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PUC Approves New Assessments for Energy Suppliers

As part of a last minute addition to Act 155, passed last October, that reauthorizes a 2004 consumer protection law; the PUC will now begin charging suppliers of electricity and natural gas as part of their annual assessments.


NJ Makes Move to Block Clean Energy Plan

A month after Chris Christie announced he opposes President Obama’s new Clean Energy Plan his top environmental regulator has officially given the EPA New Jersey’s stance on this plan.


Environmentalists, Farmers, Businesses: Reinstate Ohio’s Renewable Goals

A coalition of environmental, farm, manufacturers, business and public health groups are calling on the Ohio legislature to reinstate the state’s renewable energy and energy efficiency mandates controversially put on hold last year.


Delaware Sees Employment Increase Due to Solar Energy

Environment America, a Washington D.C. based company, recently released a ranking of total solar power capacity per person for each state.


Coalition Calls for Transparency in New York’s Green Energy Plan

A coalition of New York business organizations, labor unions, independent energy experts, and community and environmental leaders is concerned about the cost of implementing these ambitious programs and has called for transparency and disclosure. They said New Yorkers are already struggling with highly taxed electric bills and they’re worried that the state is moving too quickly, which could result in higher costs that are going to affect consumers’ bills.


Federal Court Denies Appeal of EPA Climate Rule

A federal appeals court declined requests Wednesday to block the Obama administration’s landmark climate rule for power plants.


US House Committee holds hearing on EPA carbon rule for power plants

The U. S. House Science Committee is holding a hearing today on EPA’s carbon rule for power plants released last month. The hearing is focused on state perspectives on the rule, in particular power plant shutdowns.


Energy Subcommittee Votes to Advance Bill to Lift Crude Export Ban

The Subcommittee on Energy and Power, chaired by Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY), voted to move forward Rep. Joe Barton’s legislation H.R. 702, that will lift the nearly 40-year-old ban on crude oil exports by a voice vote.


USDA Announces State Finalists for the Biofuel Infrastructure Partnership

US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack this week announced that 21 states will receive grants through the Biofuel Infrastructure Partnership (BIP) to add infrastructure needed to supply more renewable fuel to America’s drivers.


Will Congress Repeal The Crude Oil Export Ban?

Congress imposed a ban on US crude oil during the oil shocks of the 1970s in a move to get some control of gasoline prices. But U.S. crude oil production increased 74 percent from 2008 through 2014, leading to a glut domestically, where crude oil is selling at a discount relative to world prices.