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Farm Bill Proposal Delivered to Supercommittee, Won’t See Action

Leaders of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees completed a proposal for the next farm bill and presented it to the deficit reduction Supercommittee, but the deal was contingent on the committee reaching an agreement by Congress’s self-imposed deadline.

Without an agreed-to deficit reduction plan, the Ag Committees will again be responsible for writing the five […]


DCED Permitting Portal Bill Introduced

Governor Corbett had proposed early in his campaign that the state Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), now led by Secretary C. Alan Walker, should be the lead agency for state work with expanding and new business operations throughout the state. Legislation was introduced this week to begin putting his plan into motion.

House Bill […]


Senate, House Pass Marcellus Shale Bills – Work Remains

Last week, both the House and Senate passed their respective versions of a Marcellus Shale bill, but it remains clear that much discussion and negotiations will precede any final decision and passage of legislation for Governor Corbett’s signature.

Last week, the Senate finally dealt with amendments to SB 1100, sponsored by President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati […]