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Congress Has a Short Time Frame to Act on Critical Renewable Energy Issues

Members of Congress are set to return next week after five weeks of summer recess, an extensive amount of time used to reconnect with constituencies. However, with only a few short weeks before the November elections (the House has only 13 legislative business days set aside before Nov. 6), questions remain as to just how much political will lawmakers possess as they confront a long list of pending issues and issues which could turn votes in the election.


Small Business Regulatory Reform Act

Small Business Regulatory Reform Act
ERG Partner John Nikoloff joins Gov. Tom Corbett, and Representative Tina Pickett for the signing of the 1349 – the Small Business Regulatory Reform Act at Pennsylvania Precision Cast Parts in Lebanon. The bill, which ERG Partners lobbied for, ensures that government agencies consider the impact new regulations could have on small business when new regulations are being created. Bradford County Rep. Pickett was the prime sponsor of the legislation. At left is Andrew Miller, owner of PA Precision Cast Parts, which employs more than 175 workers.

Information provided by the Office of the Governor:
September 10, 2012

Governor Tom Corbett Monday ceremonially signed legislation that will protect small businesses from unnecessary red tape and costly mandates.


ERG Partners Participates in Re-Opening of Client’s Expanded Transload Site, Made Possible through Rail Freight Assistance Program

D&I Silica, LLC’s Ribbon Cutting
ERG Partners was pleased to participate in a ribbon cutting ceremony held this week to celebrate the expansion of client D&I Silica, LLC’s (D&I) Kittanning Transload Terminal in Western Pennsylvania. ERG Partner COO Tracy Wingenroth stands with D&I co-owner Arthur Stewart.

Kittanning, Pa – ERG Partners was pleased to participate in a ribbon cutting ceremony held this week to celebrate the expansion of client D&I Silica, LLC’s (D&I) Kittanning Transload Terminal in Western Pennsylvania.


State Legislature and Election Update

Only 24 days remain until the start of the Fall Legislative Session in Harrisburg. Without a lame duck session scheduled, legislators will have only a few days to finalize legislation before starting over in January in the new 2013-14 legislative session. ERG will provide updates in the coming weeks about the schedule and docket for the General Assembly’s fall session.


Drought Causes Further Uncertainty for Energy Future

The country’s heartland has been experiencing a significant drought, one that has decimated much of next year’s corn and soybean reserves. With fewer crops for food for people, livestock, and biofuels production, decisions affecting the cost and availability of these cash grains will almost certainly become political.


Romney/Ryan Releases Energy Plan for America

Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney last week unveiled a 21 page energy plan aimed at making the United States independent of overseas oil by 2020.  The plan would attempt to achieve in seven years what every president since Richard Nixon has proposed – US energy self-sufficiency.


PUC Extends Pennsylvania’s Energy Savings Law

The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) has adopted a Final Order extending Pennsylvania’s Act 129, which set energy savings goals for the Commonwealth. The order creates new goals for the period from June 1, 2013 to May 31, 2016.


Voter ID Law Upheld

On Wednesday, Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson, who heard the legal challenge against the state’s new Voter ID law, ruled that the law is constitutional, and refused to grant an injunction against implementation of the provisions of the law.


Ag Progress Days – Congressman Thompson and Farm Bureau President Emphasize Importance of Agriculture PA’s Economic Strength

U.S. Rep. Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson, chairman of the U.S. House Agriculture Subcommittee on Conservation, Energy & Forestry, and Carl T. Shaffer, president of the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, hosted a “Barnyard Discussion” on agriculture policy during Penn State University’s Ag Progress Days.


ERG Partner Tracy Wingenroth Named One of Central PA’s Forty Under 40

Tracy WingenrothERG Partners is pleased to announce that Tracy Wingenroth has been honored as one of Central Penn Business Journal’s 2012 Forty Under 40 award recipients for her commitment to business growth, professional excellence, and community service. Tracy will be honored at an evening reception and awards program on October 10, 2012 at the Hilton Harrisburg from 6-9pm. This year marks the programs’ 18th anniversary.