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Fiscal Cliff Averted – for Now

In the 11th hour, Congress passed H.R. 8, or the “fiscal cliff bill”. While the biggest headlines were about preserving the Bush era tax rates for individuals earning up to $400,000 or couples earning $450,000, several large pieces of legislation went into the final package, including energy titles and the Farm Bill extension.


2013-2014 House and Senate Committee Chairs Named

House and Senate leadership this week announced the Chairs of Committees for the 2013-14 Session of the General Assembly.


PUC Provides Further Clarification on Issues Surrounding Impact Fees

The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) this week further clarified various portions of its implementation of Chapter 23 of Act 13 of 2012, provides for the imposition of an unconventional gas well fee.


PA Congressman Thompson on Leadership Team for US House Agriculture Committee

U.S. House Agriculture Chairman Frank Lucas this week named five members to serve as Subcommittee Chairmen of the House Agriculture Committee for the 113th Congress, including Pennsylvania Congressman GT Thompson of Pennsylvania.


Corbett Lists his 2013 Priorities

During a recent Press Club luncheon, Governor Tom Corbett hinted at some of his 2013 priorities, many of which include broad policy areas where he could seek major reform, including liquor privatization, pension reform, and a long term transportation plan.


House, Senate Hold Leadership Elections

The House and Senate reconvened last week to hold leadership elections. In the House, Republican and Democratic leaders retained their posts for the upcoming 2013-14 legislative session. The only changes to either caucus’ current leadership posts came with vacancy replacements within the House Democratic Caucus.


EPA Denies RFS Waiver Request, Industry Responds

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced last week that it will not waive the Renewable Fuels Standard.


PA Goes Obama/Casey, Congressional Delegation, House and Senate Remain Republican

President Obama and US Senator Bob Casey won re-election in Pennsylvania Tuesday night, and Democrats swept the state row offices.  Polls in recent weeks had suggested Pennsylvania was winnable for Gov. Mitt Romney and Tom Smith, and as the polls narrowed, millions of PAC dollars flowed into the state.  Nevertheless, a huge Democratic vote out of Philadelphia and Democratic wards in Southeast Pennsylvania carried the President and Sen. Casey to re-election in the state.  Attorney Kathleen Kane led all candidates statewide with more than 3 million votes cast.

At the same time, Republicans actually gained a seat in the state’s Congressional races.  The State House and Senate remain under GOP control.


Diesel Fuel and Gasoline Distribution Severely Disrupted By Hurricane Sandy; DEP, Ag Announce Fuel Waivers for ULSD, B2 blends

Hurricane Sandy forced the closure of two-thirds of the refineries in the Northeastern U.S., its largest pipeline and most major ports making it very difficult to ship in supplies of diesel fuel and gasoline for the region. State and federal government agencies responded to fuel shortages by taking action on existingfuel rules and requirements.


Obama Energy Team Shuffle Could Mean Removal of DOE Secretary

President Barack Obama won four more years in Washington Tuesday, but his energy team likely won’t be sticking around for that long, setting up some bruising confirmation fights in the Senate.