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US Senate to Vote on Farm Bill Monday

The Senate agreed Thursday morning to end debate on the farm bill and proceed to a final vote – invoking cloture on a vote of 75 to 22. In remarks ahead of the vote – Senate Ag Committee Chair Debbie Stabenow noted that the bill includes 38 amendments approved by the Senate last year and 14 added in debate this year. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced the vote on final passage of the farm bill will be held Monday at 5:30 Eastern time. The Senate version of the five year plan includes many of the energy related programs and an energy title.


Budget Crunch around the Corner

Primary election week and Memorial Day holiday are traditionally “break weeks” for the General Assembly, and this year was no different. With legislators taking a break from session for the Primary Election and the Memorial Day holiday, this past week, things have been fairly quiet in the state Capitol.


PA Supreme Court Upholds Dunham Rule on Mineral Rights

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court recently ruled on Butler v Powers, a case with big consequences for the natural gas industry. The Court was tasked with determining whether or not natural gas rights should be part of the broader concept of “mineral rights” in Pennsylvania.


Agriculture Committees Approve Farm Bill Drafts – House Cuts Energy Programs

Both the Senate and House Agriculture Committees gave approval last week to their respective versions of a five-year farm bill, setting the stage for a vote in the full Senate and House on the measures soon. The current extension expires in September.


Hanger Pushes Environment Agenda Platform through Gubernatorial Campaign

Former DEP Secretary John Hanger is campaigning to be on the Democrat ticket for governor of Pennsylvania. Recently he released his plans to protect and restore the state’s environment, create jobs and grow the economy.


Transportation Chairs Unveil Comprehensive Transportation Funding Plan

Last week the House and Senate Republican and Democratic Transportation Chairs were joined at a press conference by more than 100 stakeholders from across the state to unveil their proposal to fund Pennsylvania’s transportation needs. PennDOT Secretary Barry Schoch also participated in the event.


Marcellus Works Package Moving Through the House

The “Marcellus Works” package of legislation is designed to “secure Pennsylvania’s energy future and create thousands of new jobs by fostering the transition to natural gas as a primary fuel for consumer and commercial vehicles – a fuel that is plentiful in Pennsylvania’s large Marcellus Shale formation,” according to Rep. Stanley Saylor (R-York) and members of the House Republican caucus. 


Chris Abruzzo Takes Over As Interim DEP Secretary

As previously announced, Michael Krancer stepped down from his role as Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection by April 15. As part of the mid-March announcement, Christopher Abruzzo, deputy chief of staff for Governor Tom Corbett, was named to serve as acting secretary. Abruzzo worked closely with Krancer and the DEP staff in his position as deputy chief of staff, and is expected to hold both positions until Corbett names a new Secretary.


Work in Progress…

Members of the General Assembly are back in their home districts for spring break, slated to return to Harrisburg the week of April 8. All of the large agenda items are still on the table, but are beginning to take shape.


Krancer to Step Down as Head of DEP

Last week the Corbett administration announced that Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Mike Krancer will step down on April 15 to return home to Montgomery County to rejoin his former law firm, Blank Rome LLP.