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House Passes Farm Bill, Creates Stage for Conference Committee Talk

Last week the U.S. House of Representatives passed a stripped down version of the Farm Bill without nutrition and food stamp programs being included. Passage comes after Republican leadership moved to separate those provisions from the bill in order to get a majority and move the process forward.  The Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013, or H.R. 2642, was approved by a vote of 216 to 208. The U.S. Senate passed its version of the Farm Bill in June by a vote of 66 to 27.


House Kills Renewable Energy Proposals in 2013 Energy & Water Bill

Last week the House voted down an attempt by Pennsylvania Congressman Scott Perry (R-4) to modify funding for the 2014 energy and water bill (H.R. 2609). Perry proposed increasing funding for renewable energy programs by $31 million and reducing department administration by the same amount.


Governor Signs Budget – Other Initiatives to Fall Agenda

Governor Tom Corbett and 29 members of the state House took part in ceremonies late Sunday night in signing a $28.375 billion state spending plan. This is slightly less than what Corbett had proposed in February, primarily due to a shift long term in revenue projections. The agreed-to budget is a 2.3 percent increase in spending over the current year budget, bringing the state in-line with pre-recession spending limits.


Beyond the Budget

As for Corbett’s other priorities – transportation funding, liquor privatization, and pension reform – many pieces remain in motion, but votes and clear resolution disappeared over the weekend.  The Capitol hopes to reconsider these issues in September.


President Obama Releases Climate Action Plan

Last week during a speech at Georgetown University, President Barack Obama outlined a suite of executive actions in his Climate Action Plan to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 17 percent from 2005 levels by 2020 and prepare the nation for the impacts of climate change.


Budget Clock Ticking; IFO Releases Encouraging Numbers

Last week the House approved its budget for FY 2013-14 (HB 1437) by a party-line vote of 108-92. This week the Senate began its formal work on the bill, while Republican legislative and Administration leaders began actual negotiations on a final product and related policy issues.


DCNR Chief Resigns, Ferretti Becomes Acting Secretary

Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Rick Allan resigned from that cabinet post last week. Governor Corbett has named Ellen Ferretti as acting secretary of the agency.


House Rejects Five-Year Farm Bill

The House Farm Bill was defeated Thursday by a margin of 234-195 as Democrats who rejected work requirements and cuts to food stamp spending programs and Republicans who thought the bill was excessive spending failed to support the final package, which would have gone to the Senate and a conference committee.


House Republicans Unveil Budget

Last week House Republicans unveiled HB 1437, the vehicle for the 2013-14 state budget and laid the groundwork for a month-long debate over revenue realities and spending priorities.


Senate Expands, Moves Forward on Transportation Bill

The Senate expanded and passed a comprehensive transportation package this week, answering calls from House GOP leadership to receive a transportation bill “three weeks of more” before the June 30 budget deadline so the lower chamber would have time to vet and volley.