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Obama Signs Omnibus Spending Plan, Impacts to Bioenergy

Last week President Obama signed the omnibus spending bills (H.R. 3547) just days after the bill easily passed the Senate (72-26 vote) and House (359-67).


2014 – What’s in Store for the General Assembly?

Having held its first sessions of 2014 this week, the General Assembly is hoping to make headway in several major issue and policy areas this year. But one key reality is that from now until November 4, state government officials will have one eye on policies and the other on the impact of decisions on the state’s general election.  Governor Corbett is running for re-election, and at least eight Democrats are competing in the primary to oppose him this fall.  One half of all State Senate seats will be decided, and all 203 State House and 18 Congressional districts will be on the ballot.


DEP Submits Energy Plan to Governor

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has submitted its Climate Change Action Plan Update to Governor Corbett and the state legislature highlighting efforts to reduce greenhouse gases and outlining possible strategies for continued lowering of emissions.


Farm Show Energy

“Farm Show weather” came to central PA with a vengeance this year, threatening the grid with excess energy needs from below zero temperatures.  While the state and public utilities were calling for energy conservation outside, inside the complex on North Cameron Street, various forms of energy production and conservation were on display – and in one case, a Farm Show tradition was about to help handle a farm’s electric needs.


Legislature Recesses for Winter Break, After House Votes to Shrink its Size

The legislature is considering getting a little lighter – in a few years. The House recessed until January this week, but not before taking up controversial legislation that would begin the lengthy process of amending the state Constitution by reducing the size of the General Assembly.


Bipartisan Sponsors Introduce Marcellus Shale Tax Bill

Legislation providing for a severance tax on Marcellus Shale natural gas extraction was introduced this week by Representatives Gene DiGirolamo (R-Bucks), Tom Murt (R-Montgomery), Pam DeLissio (D-Philadelphia), Ed Gainey (D-Allegheny), and Harry Readshaw (D-Allegheny).


DEP Committee to Consider Final Draft Climate Change Action Plan Update Dec 20

The DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee will meet on December 20 where it is expected to endorse a draft update to the Pennsylvania Climate Change Action Plan along with a set of options for future actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Commonwealth.


House Votes to Extend Current Farm Bill through January 2014

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a measure that would extend the current farm bill through Jan. 31, 2014, but Senate Democrats don’t think a formal extension is necessary because Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack believes one isn’t needed if lawmakers agree to pass a new bill when they return from the holidays.


Public Hearing on Climate Change

Pennsylvania Legislative Service
Kati Lawson

Public Hearing on Climate Change
House Democratic Policy Committee
12/16/13, 10:00 a.m., Room 416, Main Capitol

Click on a name to download testimony.

2013 Session Winding Down

The legislative calendar for the year is winding down quickly, with both House and Senate in Session next week, followed by a few scheduled days for the House the week of December 16. While there is some talk of working on pension reform legislation, the agenda appears to be less ambitious.