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House Votes to Block EPA Regs on Coal-Fired Electricity Plants

The House voted today to override a proposed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule limiting carbon emissions from future coal-fired electricity plants.


Budget Hearings in Full Swing

The House and Senate remain in recess for Appropriations hearings until March 10, but despite a minor setback due to inclement weather, the Committees have been systematically meeting with the heads of each state agency to discuss the projected needs and impacts from Governor Corbett’s budget plan.


Vitali, Environmental Groups Oppose Leasing of State Lands for Gas Development

Conservation and environmental groups were joined by Rep. Greg Vitali (D-Delaware), Minority Chairman of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, to release a letter signed by 35 groups urging legislators to oppose the proposed leasing of the subsurface rights in state parks and forest lands in the governor’s proposed FY 2014-2015 budget.


Pennsylvania Rivers an ‘Untapped Resource’

Free Flow Power, a Boston Company, has targeted Western Pennsylvania’s rivers as an ‘untapped resource’, and is currently seeking approval to build 10 hydroelectric power stations on the Allegheny, Ohio and Monongahela rivers.


State of the Union: All of the Above Energy Policy

President Obama highlighted natural gas and other “fuels of the future” in his State of the Union address last week, and pledged to set new efficiency standards for trucks and “cut red tape” to help businesses build factories that use natural gas.


Congress Passes Farm Bill

On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate approved the conference report for the 2014 Farm Bill by a vote of 67 to 32, following swift passage of the bill from the House in late January. President Obama is scheduled to sign the bill Friday during a ceremony at Michigan State University. The final pen stroke will end the nearly three-year process to enact a new five-year Farm Bill.


Corbett Budget – “Strategic Investment”

Gov. Tom Corbett presented his $29.419 billion 2014-15 General Fund budget proposal on Tuesday, which reflects a $926 million increase over the current fiscal year. The Governor said his budget would “drive the values of strategic investment and prudent fiscal management to address the commonwealth’s core funding needs.”


Farm Bill Passes House – Energy Title Explained

With passage by the US House of Representatives this morning, the Farm Bill and its energy provisions are a giant step closer to final passage.  The Farm Bill Conference report was approved by the full House in a 251 to 166 vote, over opposition from liberals, who said that food stamp cuts go too far, and conservatives concerned that the legislation failed to further curtail government spending.  The US Senate is expected to follow suit by the end of the week. (The Senate version of the Farm Bill passed last year is close to the final conference report.) 


Corbett Announces State Energy Plan

On Tuesday, Governor Corbett announced the details of his “Energy = Jobs” plan, which he said would help market the state’s energy sectors to investors and businesses.


Democrats Talk Energy/Sustainability

The eight announced Democratic candidates for governor in Pennsylvania discussed their positions on a range of energy and sustainability issues at a gubernatorial forum presented by the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University and four other organizations on January 13. The invited candidates included Gov. Tom Corbett, John Hanger, Jo Ellen Litz, Rob McCord; Katie McGinty, Max Myers, Ed Pawlowski, Allyson Schwartz, and Tom Wolf.