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Wolf Wins Governorship, GOP Expands Control of General Assembly

Tom Wolf will become Pennsylvania’s 47th Governor after he cruised to a double-digit win over Gov. Tom Corbett in Tuesday’s election, but far from being a mandate, his election was accompanied by a huge Republican gains in the House and Senate.


Corbett Signs Bill Giving Legislature Oversight of State’s Clean Power Plan

After some jockeying in the Senate to add and then remove amendments to the controversial bill, the legislature ultimately approved HB 2354, sponsored by Rep. Pam Snyder (D-Greene) that requires legislative approval of the state’s Clean Power Plan before submission to the Environmental Protection Agency for review and approval. Governor Corbett signed the legislation, which is now Act 175 of 2014.


Governor OKs Bill Requiring More Frequent Gas Production Reports, Royalties

Gov. Tom Corbett has approved two bills sponsored by Rep. Tina Pickett (R-Bradford) pertaining to the oil and gas industry. House Bill 2278 would change the way drillers report gas production figures. Prior to the new law, gas companies were only required to file reports with the state Department of Environmental Protection twice a year. Act 173 puts the state on par with other major gas producing states by requiring monthly production reports.


CFA Approves $19 Million in Alternative, Clean Energy Program Grants, Loans

Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Financing Authority this week unanimously approved more than $17.5 million in grants and more than $1.5 million in loans for 20 clean, alternative and renewable energy projects.


PEDA Approves $12.4 Million in Advanced, Clean Energy Grants

On Wednesday, the Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority met and approved 27 grant awards totaling $12.4 million for Clean Alternative and Advanced Energy projects across the state.


Off-Year Election, Turnout a Big Factor

One Governor, half of the State Senate, the state’s Congressional delegation and all 203 state House seats will be filled in this fall’s election November 4. The question remains as to what changes will occur and whether those changes will impact how either Harrisburg or Washington works in 2015-2016.


Pennsylvania Gets Mixed Scores in State Efficiency Ranking

October is National Energy Awareness Month, but a national survey shows Pennsylvania has some work to do if it wants to catch up with the rest of the country.


Down to the Wire – Final Gubernatorial Debate Held in Pittsburgh

The third and final gubernatorial debate between Governor Tom Corbett and Democratic candidate Tom Wolf took place in Pittsburgh this week, with each fighting to differentiate himself and clarify his positions. Corbett and Wolf continued to clash on education funding as well as voter ID laws, marijuana, size of the legislature, taxation, and the death penalty.


Legislative Session Nearing its End, Lame Duck Session for Pension Reform?

The House and Senate are scheduled to be in Session Tuesday and Wednesday next week, with the possible addition of Thursday, before returning home for last minute campaigning.


PA Treasury Launches Sustainable Energy Bond Program

The PA Treasury launched the state’s Sustainable Energy Bond program September 30. The program will provide legal and technical assistance and low cost capital to the MUSH (municipalities, universities, schools, and hospitals) for energy efficiency improvements. The Treasury Department announced that it will hold several education days across the state to educate potential end users how they can take advantage of the program.