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Supreme Court to Hear Challenge to EPA Clean Power Rules

Last week the Supreme Court agreed to hear a challenge brought by 21 states and other opponents of the Environmental Protection Agency plan to cut toxic chemicals from point source emitters such as large power plants. The court will decide if the EPA improperly adopted regulations requiring power plants to reduce emissions without first determining how much it would cost.


Tax Extenders Legislation on the Brink

Remember those ads depicting Congress kicking a can down the street? It’s looking a lot like we’ll be playing kick the can again on tax extenders legislation this fall, following a veto threat from President Obama last week.


John Nikoloff Inteviewed by SMC Business Council

John Nikoloff of ERG Partners was interviewed by SMC Business Council on what the Midterm Election results mean to the small business community as part of SMC’s monthly Working Parts radio show.


Unlocking Pennsylvania’s Energy Potential under the Next Administration

While education was the main focus of Governor-elect Tom Wolf’s campaign platform, with a proposed five percent severance tax on natural gas as the funding mechanism, he and Gov. Tom Corbett vigorously debated whether the natural gas industry could absorb additional fees without cutting back operations in Pennsylvania.  The General Assembly passed a series of […]


House, Senate Elect 2015-16 Leadership

The House and Senate met last week to elect caucus leadership for the upcoming 2015-16 legislative Session. Given the fact that the GOP expanded its majorities in both chambers, it was somewhat abnormal that the biggest upsets and changes came from the Republican camps. In the Senate, the only leadership post that did not change control was President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati, although he still must face full Senate vote when the Senate returns to session.


Related News: Fracking Remains Controversial, Advocates Continue Push for Moratorium

Wolf doesn’t take over until January 20, but he is already feeling the pressure from the anti-fracking community. At rally in Harrisburg, activists chanted “ax it, don’t tax it,” demanding that Wolf impose a moratorium fracking, a common natural gas drilling practice.


Republican Senators Prepare for Energy, Environmental Chairmanships Post Election

As the balance of power in the U.S. Senate shifts from Democrat to Republican, GOP ranking members are gearing up to lead their respective committees or make a move to a more promising option.


Senate GOP Lays Groundwork for Energy, Climate

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who plans to become Majority Leader in January, was quick to identify energy issues as some of the Senate’s top priorities next session. Not surprisingly, those priorities include passage of legislation that would enable the Keystone XL pipeline project to move forward and roll back of climate rules.


Senate Sues to Restore Corbett Line-Item Vetoes to Fiscal Code Bill

Senate Republican and Democratic Leadership filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Gov. Corbett for his veto of provisions in the Fiscal Code bill in July which, among other items, vetoed $5 million in Senate and House funding for Harrisburg Parking expenses.


Shell Plans More Public Meetings on Proposed Ethane Cracker

Shell Chemicals is planning two public meetings to discuss its proposed ethane cracker plant in western Pennsylvania. The plan would convert natural gas liquids from the Marcellus Shale region into products used by the plastics industry.