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DEP Assesses $8.9 million Civil Penalty against Range Resources for Failure to Repair Leaking Gas Well

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has notified Range Resources-Appalachia, LLC, of Fort Worth, TX that it intends to assess an $8.9 million civil penalty against the company, and has directed Range Resources to prevent methane and other substances from escaping from a leaking gas well and polluting groundwater and a stream in Lycoming County.


Marcus Hook to Begin Exporting Marcellus and Utica Ethane to Europe

European petrochemical manufacturer, Ineos Olefins & Polymers just took possession of the first of eight Large Gas Carriers (LGC). LGCs are large ocean going vessels that are specially outfitted to haul not only ethane, but other hydrocarbon gas liquids and liquefied natural gas. Each ship is the length of two football fields.


Meetings Held on Crude By Rail and Clean Power Plan

Last week the Senate Transportation and Energy and Environmental Resources committees held a joint informational meeting on the movement of crude oil by rail.


PUC Posts Details on $223.5 Million in 2014 Gas Drilling Impact Fee

The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) today published information on the PUC website regarding the final approved distribution of $223.5 million in disbursements under Act 13 of 2012 (Act 13), which imposed an Impact Fee on natural gas producers. Over the past four years, the PUC has collected and distributed more than $855 million in impact fees.


No Breakthroughs on Budget Talk

With less than two weeks remaining until the June 30 budget “deadline,” and discussions continuing among House and Senate leaders and the Governor’s Office, no breakthroughs appear imminent, and GOP leaders have signaled that without a significant change in negotiating positions, they may work together to pass a balanced budget and put it on the Governor’s desk on June 30.


Energy and Commerce Sub-Committee on Energy and Power

Testimony to Hearing on Quadrennial Energy Review and Related Discussion Drafts, including Title III, Energy Diplomacy.


EPA finally proposes 2014, 2015, 2016 Renewable Fuel Volume Requirements

The Obama administration last week issued its long overdue biofuel standards, setting the volumes for renewable fuels at levels that fall short of the levels set out under the law.


Budget talks start despite charges of stunts, gamesmanship

In 2003, the General Assembly took a record eight days to pass the bare bones stopgap budget proposed by newly elected Governor Ed Rendell. That action forced Rendell to veto it almost identical to what he had proposed. This week, House Republicans set up a vote for the revenue portion of Governor Tom Wolf’s budget proposal, which was voted down by a 193-0 vote.


Obama Administration Managing Expectations of Climate Change Summit

Later this year, the Obama Administration will be attending a climate change summit in Paris. The Administration is hopeful of coming out of the summit with an international pact to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But, they are being careful not to have a repeat of the last summit, held in Copenhagen in 2009.


Opposition to Six Flags Solar Farm Mount

The Sierra Club and New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection have joined in the opposition over the location where Six Flags Amusement Park recently announced it is considering building a solar farm. To build the solar farm, Six Flags would need to cut down thousands of trees that currently dot the landscape.