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Category Archives: ERG Partner News

In Memoriam – John Nikoloff

It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of John Nikoloff, our esteemed President and cherished friend. In this moment of reflection, we are reminded of the profound humanity that binds us all—a quality John embodied with unwavering grace throughout his life.


ERG Partners Vice President of Legislative Affairs, Nicole Wilbourn, was recently named one of City & State PA’s “40 in their Forties!”

Her unique skills, experience and legislative record work for you. The honor from this statewide public affairs and policy magazine is well-earned, and much deserved!


ERG Welcomes Brendan Schubert as Partner

(Harrisburg) April 29, 2024 — Brendan Schubert of Pittsburgh, who has held positions of responsibility in local governments, public authorities, the General Assembly and the private sector, has become a partner at ERG Partners, the Harrisburg-based public affairs firm announced today.


ERG Partners Welcomes New Partners

ERG Partners today announced that Nicole Wilbourn and Nick Wachinski, two highly skilled and experienced state government relations and public affairs professionals, have accepted the Harrisburg-based public affairs firm’s invitation to become partners.