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House Introduces Three Energy Related Bills before Summer Recess

During the last week in July, House members introduced two bills focused on bioenergy technology and a third bill aimed at limiting the EPA’s ability to set cellulosic mandates.

Rep. Sensenbrenner (R-Wis) introduced H.B. 3228, which would require the EPA to set the limit on cellulosic biofuels to the level of volume known for the most recent calendar year in which data is available.  This standard would stay in place until such time as the National Academy of Sciences could conduct a comprehensive study.

Currently, H.B. 3228 has no co-sponsors.

H.R. 3390 aims to provide renewable chemical producers access to production or investment tax credits currently available to other renewable energy producers.  This legislation has bi-partisan support, including co-sponsorship from Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick and was referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.

The third energy related bill, H.R. 3329, would amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to spur research and development of carbon utilization technologies.  It is a companion bill to S. 1282 and was referred to the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology.










